Tuesday 21 May 2013

Mid-week Brain Dump

A little later than I had hoped but I spent all day outside with the crazies and forgot about all the house work I had to do. Go figure.

Saturday, I took advantage of the dry morning and took the crazies to the town park. It was the first time the little guy got to go it on his own. He went crazy!! Climbing up the steps to the slide on his own and going down ( much to my horror) on is own too. He is seriously getting big too quick. SLOW DOWN!!!

The Holy Communion was on in town on Saturday. All the boys and girls looked so fab all suited and booted. But there was one bigger than life star of the show. This...

I think it's fab. Maybe a little over to top for a communion but fab. I don't have a problem with Traveller's or their traditions but there was a huge debate, well more like a bitch fest on Facebook about them taking over the day and ruining it for everyone else. This kind of thing has happened for years and it never ruined it for anyone so far. I say live and let live.

I spent all day Sunday on the couch. My head felt like my brain was trying to break out of my head. My eyes hurt if they weren't covered with something. I have suffered from migraines for years but have been lucky that I haven't had a bad one in a long time. This one made up for it. 

But I felt much better when my little woman came and gave me these.

Spent all day yesterday on the couch sick. Little woman picke... on Twitpic

Bluebells, My favourite picked from Nana's garden.

I really need to get out and get more run's in. If I'm ever going to run a sub 30 minute 5k I better start pounding the roads. My sister has started to train with me. I think the slower pace will be good for me for a while. Help me get a better rhythm.

That's it for now.

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